Sales & Marketing

Sales and Marketing Support

Sales and marketing support are important for starting and building a franchise. We offer a variety of marketing tools and sales support services that help you generate business leads and win repeat customers more quickly.

Franchise Sales Support

Revenue Enhancement Program (REP):
This program helps your sales team identify the best vertical markets and communicate with each one using time-tested strategies for success. During your first year of business, you’ll participate in weekly conference calls that are facilitated by a Navis sales expert where you’ll learn how to find new customers and sell your services. It’s so helpful that many franchisees continue to participate for years!

National Account Referrals: Our Business Development team builds relationships with large companies and refers individual jobs to franchisees at the local level whenever possible.

Other Referrals: These include inter-Franchisee referrals, as well as referrals from movers and mail & parcel retail centers. We also provide national locator telephone referrals through AT&T's national network.

Networking Opportunities: We can help you discover your local Chambers of Commerce, industry associations and other business networking groups. We encourage you to seek associations with referral sources to expand your network and generate business leads.

National Franchise Marketing Support

National Website and Internet Marketing: Navis has invested in a powerful national Internet marketing program that benefits the entire franchise system. We make the Navis brand increasingly visible on the Internet through online yellow pages, keyword advertising on major search engines and organic website optimization.

Creative Development of Marketing Communications: Navis has invested in the development of several marketing communications tools that franchisees are encouraged to use. This allows you to focus on sales instead of worrying about how to design brochures and mailers. We’re creating innovative email campaigns, sales sheets, postcards, print ads, brochures and other materials you may use.

Marketing Tools for Your Business

Custom Website: You’ll receive your own location-specific webpages, portions of which can be customized. Sites are also optimized for local search engine visibility.

Local Internet Pay-Per-Click Marketing: You can join a powerful Google program that generates qualified local leads from people searching Google online.

Vertical Market Communications: Navis has developed marketing campaigns customized to communicate with our top vertical markets. You will be able to utilize custom email campaigns, sales flyers and scripts to more to effectively reach the top vertical market businesses in your area.

General Business Marketing Communications: We offer a suite of creative materials including custom brochures, postcards, print ads and email campaigns to target general businesses. You choose the creative materials you want, and we'll customize them for your location.

Directory Marketing: In addition to the national yellow pages program, we also assist in getting you listed on dozens of Internet service directories.  You also may choose to augment national programs with supplemental marketing funds of your own for additional or enhanced local programs.